Wayne Boatwright2019-nCoV COVID-19 (Wuhan coronavirus) — Social Media Inoculation“It’s a disaster of epic proportions,” said my friend in Beijing. [8:42 PM, 1/25/2020]Jan 27, 20204Jan 27, 20204
InDataDrivenInvestorbyWayne BoatwrightSAFE HAVEN (a COVID-19 Pandemic Story to Combat Fear)We are entering a new realm of understanding with the advent of Big Data-predictability (AI machine-driven) and real-time data delivered…Mar 14, 2020Mar 14, 2020
Wayne BoatwrightCDCR’s COVID-19 Population Reduction ActionsAs a result of these actions, by August 18 the CDCR’s prison population had decreased by 18,222 inmates since mid-March 2020, according to…Oct 11, 2020Oct 11, 2020
Wayne BoatwrightDeath Measure: COVID-19 v. OpioidsThe ongoing drug overdose epidemic (mainly driven by opioids) has as big if not bigger impact on the USA than COVID-19 deaths as…Mar 25, 2021Mar 25, 2021
Wayne BoatwrightSUNSHINE is COVID-19’s Surprise Prophylactic/Therapeutic: Vitamin D WorksThere’s emerging and growing evidence that vitamin D status is relevant to the risk of developing Covid-19 infection and to the severity…Oct 21, 2020Oct 21, 2020
Wayne BoatwrightCOVID-19 Symptom StudyThis piece was submitted and rejected by the San Quentin News editorial boardOct 11, 2020Oct 11, 2020
InAge of AwarenessbyWayne BoatwrightFLATTEN THE CURVE (a COVID-19 Pandemic Story) Prison Predicts the FutureWe must “flatten the curve” or risk disaster.Mar 2, 2020Mar 2, 2020
InAn Idea (by Ingenious Piece)byWayne BoatwrightCOVID-19 Pandemic Death-Spiral Needs a Unified Field SolutionAs Yong traverses the range of missteps and tragedies of the USA COVID-19 response, another pattern develops — that of the failure of…Sep 16, 2020Sep 16, 2020